Dr. Sara Lance
Dr. Sara Lance studies aerosol-cloud interactions, with expertise in the measurement of cloud condensation nuclei and cloud microphysical properties.
Dr. Lance leads recent research at WFM relating to chemistry occurring within cloud droplets, with a focus on the organic fraction.
Curriculum Vitae - Updated September 2024
Archana Tripathy
Doctoral Candidate
Archana began her doctoral studies at UAlbany in Fall of 2020 after having obtained a Master's Degree in Atmospheric Science from Central University of Rajasthan, India with previous research focused on carbonaceous aerosols and dust. Her recent research has involved measurements of organic acids in cloud water using ion chromatography.
Adam Deitsch
Doctoral Student
Adam began his graduate studies at UAlbany in Fall of 2021 after having obtained his undergraduate degree in Environmental Sciences from Broward College in Florida. His current research focuses on micro and nanoplastic aerosols, and other emerging contaminants known as "forever chemicals" or Per- and Poly- Fluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS). More information at his website.
Sara Lombardo
Doctoral Student
Sara started working in the Lance Lab in July 2023, prior to starting their graduate studies at UAlbany in Fall of 2023. Sara has undergraduate degrees in Chemistry and Environmental Sciences from University of Virginia, and they are interested in studying how clouds affect biogeochemical cycling of nitrogen and carbon through field measurements of cloud and aerosol composition.
Kathleen DeMarle
Spring 2025 Student Assistant (UAlbany undergrad)
Kathleen has been helping in the Lance lab for independent research credit. She is helping conduct chemical analysis of PILS samples by ion chromatography.
Janie Schwab
Adj. Research Faculty and Lab Manager
Janie has been instrumental in different projects in the Lance Lab over the years, in addition to work she does for other groups and her own funded research activities. In 2017 she helped with the CPOC pilot study and built an electrodynamic particle trap. In 2021 she led the monumental task of moving our labs to the new ETEC building.
Dr. Sarah Woods
Independent Contractor, SeaSky Analytics
Dr. Woods assisted with the instrument integration, test flights and Spring 2022 Arctic deployment for the CHACHA campaign. Now she is an Associate Scientist III at NCAR, but continues to work on the CHACHA data analysis/writeup as time allows.
Jim Schlemmer
Data Manager
Jim began working with us in Aug 2023 and quickly got us caught up on the data archive backlog for the long-term air quality monitoring program funded by NYSERDA, which originated under Dr. Jim Schwab. This project included a large suite of gas and aerosol measurements including CO, NO, NO2, SO2 and PM2.5 at Whiteface Mountain (summit and base sites), Pinnacle State Park and Queens College. The program continues in 2024-2025 at WFM only.
Scott McKim
Science Manager at Whiteface Mountain
Scott was hired in Sep 2021 to assist with the NSYERDA long-term air quality monitoring program at Whiteface Mountain, which includes operating instruments at both the summit and base sites at WFM. Scott also works part-time for the NY State Mesonet, and helps out as needed on other science initiatives, outreach and advocacy efforts at WFM.
Paul Casson
Site Operations Manager at Whiteface Mountain
Paul has been the site operations manager at WFM since 2012, which entails ensuring facilities at the summit and base of WFM are maintained, as well as supporting ongoing science initiatives and partnerships at WFM. Paul brought to this job his unique hands-on experience working for the Adirondack Lake Survey Corporation from 1994-2012, where he assisted with the long-term cloud water monitoring program at WFM.